Nusa Penida

White sands and turquoise waters. My fear was I’ve gone too far this time. Searching for remote and unspoiled locations around Bali. Arriving at the little-visited Isle of Nusa Penida, some 45 minutes from Sanur Beach. Wondering what I can expect to see on Nusa Penida. I dig out google search and reels off a list of negative adjectives. The words Nusa Penida isn’t doing much for the spirits. Especially as I’ve just bypassed some of Bali’s most celebrated locations along the way here. Reading on, however, things get more appealing. It’s been quoted many times that Nusa Penida is the sunniest place in Bali.

About Nusa Penida

as a traveler, I’ve snapped many of the Bali islands in the past decade, but from a professional point of view this isle, just 202.8 km² at its greatest girth, could be quite a challenge, as things are very quiet indeed. Places to stay on Nusa Penida are pretty thin on the ground, as are people, with a population of around 45,178 (2010) and the roads are tiny.

I climb a large dune that takes us to a viewpoint for our first glimpse of Pantai Wuug (Broken Beach), and what a magnificent sight it is. this is a vast swathe of white shell sand. With the hues of the ocean easily matching those of a tropical island. This isle has numerous beaches, those a delight. In particular, I lose several hours exploring, swimming and generally loafing. I’m taking lots of photographs just to record that this is really happening. Gin-clear water and warm sunshine. It may not have a spectacular landscape, but the view from these sands across to the ocean more than makes up for it. the scene is insanely beautiful.

As I walk around Nusa Penida, exceed our expectations is an understatement. It is a place for relaxation, raw nature and for those seeking solitude. Tourists are so few that I keep meeting the same groups of people around the island. they all seem to be repeat visitors too, and quite smug about their secret little island. But whether Nusa Penida is your nirvana depends on your outlook. With just a few places to eat, it’s not a place for serious foodies, for example. Nor is it for those seeking the finest accommodation. However, to my mind, it has plenty of other compensations.

Heading out for a drive around the island anyway and are thrilled to see a traditional life. So colorful and unique. I finish up the day with grill seafood. I share some luscious crab claws and langoustine for starters. Fried rice for main and washed down with pudding.

On our last day, the sunshine returns and under huge skies. I see the coast in its full glory. the wind on Nusa Penida not only keeps the midges at bay but whips up some surf and other watersports too. Heading home, I feel content in the knowledge that such places still exist in Bali.